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When preparing the courts for play, please follow these steps:
- Use garden rake to remove debris from Courts 3, 4, 7 and 8.
- Water the courts, starting with court 1, working to court 8. Use a moderate spray pattern elevating the spray to be as gentle as possible. Be careful not to flood areas-a little puddling is OK but go easy in shaded areas as it will take longer to dry.
- Set out balls, scoreboards, pegs, cans and judge's scoring batons.
- Prepare scoring clipboards - score sheets are in the locker with the scoreboards.
- Set up two tables for food under trees and/or in front of the courts.
- Hang the SCBC sign on the side of the enclosure. ating the spray to be as gentle as possible.Be careful not to flood areas-a little puddling is OK but go easy in shaded areas as it will take longer to dry.
- Hang casino bell.
- Set up 3 umbrellas at the east end of the courts if needed.
- After the courts have dried, drag the large broom (bristles of straight edge, either is fine) the length of the courts to smooth out the surface. Try to avoid leaving buildup at the sides and center. Do not remove any surface material, just spread it over the court.
- Break down the buildup at either end of the courts with the small broom. Do not remove any surface material, just spread it over the court.
Any game that is cancelled or halted due to weather or darkness should be rescheduled by agreement and noted on the score sheet by both team Capos. A rescheduled match will continue from the point at which it was stopped. The game must be made up within 4 weeks of the initial game night.
A match can be rescheduled for other reasons if agreed to by both Capos. For example, if one team is unable to field a team on the scheduled, the match can be rescheduled if and only if the opposing Capo agrees, otherwise the match is forfeit.
Any rescheduled match must be made up withing 4 weeks of the original match date.
There is no minimum age requirement but no more than ½ of the team may be under the age of 18 and at least one person in every game must be 18 or over.